NOAD Schema 3.6 -- 90-day NoticeIndicator

8/14/2018 - 7 Years Ago

As part of ongoing efforts to enhance maritime domain awareness, we continue to improve handling of essential data contained within Notices of Arrival and Departure (NOAD). On Tuesday, 13 November 2018, an updated NOAD schema, versioned 3.6, will be released and will contain various schema improvements, updates to our ports list and retirement of the NVMC workbook as a means of submission for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) NOAs. As more details regarding the specifics of the schema changes become available they will be made available via the NVMC Web Site and our additional communication channels.

Please note that while every effort is being made to ensure all information is accurate as of this posting, there exists the possibility for additional changes as needed or at the direction of the program office. Any such changes or additions will be made available as soon as they are provided to or identified by the NOAD team.

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