Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions have been forwarded to NVMC by members of the international maritime community. For each question, an answer we believe to be accurate is provided. If you have any further questions please use the Contact Us page for further inquiries.

FAQ Categories Index
NOAD SubmissionseNOADTime RequirementsCustoms and Border Protection (CBP) RequirementsCargo RequirementsCrew and Non-Crew/Passenger RequirementsHazardous Conditions/Non-Operating Equipment RequirementsBallast Water ReportingOuter Continental Shelf (OCS) RequirementsNotice TrackingNon-Commercial VesselsPort ClearanceDeparturesForm Entry QuestionsDefinitionsBarge NOAD RequirementsPublic VesselsLow Sulphur Fuel Oil Non-AvailabilityQuestionsVRP/NTVRP Reporting[ ALL ]

Non-Commercial Vessels

  • Which Non-Commercials Vessels are required to file a Notice of Arrival?
  • Foreign flagged non-commercial (recreational) vessels over 300gt must file an initial Notice of Arrival (NOA) for entering any U.S. port or place as per 160.203 (a) (2)

  • Which Non-Commercial Vessels are exempt from filing an NOA?
  • U.S. Flagged non-commercial vessels are not required to file a NOA as per 160.203 (a)(1).

  • What other vessels (including Non-Commercial Vessels) are exempt from filing an NOA?
  • If not carrying certain dangerous cargo or controlling another vessel carrying certain dangerous cargo, the following vessels are exempt from filing an NOA:

    • Vessels operating exclusively within a COTP as per 160.203 (b) (2).

    • Vessels arriving in a port or place under force majeure as per 160.203 (b) (3).

  • Does the exemption from reporting for movement exclusively within a COTP Zone extend to any nearby port?
  • No. When a vessel’s arrival port is in a different COTP Zone than the departure port the exemption for moving exclusively with a COTP Zone would not apply. A notice of arrival would be required for the arrival port.

  • Does a cruising permit exempt a vessel from the need to file an NOA?
  • No. The cruising permit issued by CBP does not exempt a yacht or other recreational vessel from the Coast Guard requirement to file a Notice of Arrival.

  • What is the minimum time requirement for filing an NOA?
  • A yacht or other recreational vessel must adhere to the same reporting requirements as other vessels required to report:

            •  A voyage time of greater than 96 hours requires that the vessel file the NOA at least 96 hours

                prior to arrival at the port of destination.  

            •  A voyage time of less than 96 hours requires that a vessel file the NOA prior to departure, but

               at least 24 hours prior to arrival.

            •  The last update for a 24 hour notice must be made at least 12 hours prior to arrival.

  • Where can I find further information about Non-Commercial, Yacht and Recreational Vessel submissions?
  • For questions about a specific port, or movement within a port area contact the cognizant COTP Zone. https://homeport.uscg.mil/

    For questions concerning your electronic notice of departure eNOD contact the local CBP office. http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/toolbox/contacts/ports/

  • If a Non-Commercial Vessel has filed a Sail Plan do they still need to file an NOAD?
  • Filing a Sail Plan does not exempt a vessel from submitting a notice of arrival if they are required to file one as per 33 CFR 160.

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