Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions have been forwarded to NVMC by members of the international maritime community. For each question, an answer we believe to be accurate is provided. If you have any further questions please use the Contact Us page for further inquiries.

FAQ Categories Index
NOAD SubmissionseNOADTime RequirementsCustoms and Border Protection (CBP) RequirementsCargo RequirementsCrew and Non-Crew/Passenger RequirementsHazardous Conditions/Non-Operating Equipment RequirementsBallast Water ReportingOuter Continental Shelf (OCS) RequirementsNotice TrackingNon-Commercial VesselsPort ClearanceDeparturesForm Entry QuestionsDefinitionsBarge NOAD RequirementsPublic VesselsLow Sulphur Fuel Oil Non-AvailabilityQuestionsVRP/NTVRP Reporting[ ALL ]

Crew and Non-Crew/Passenger Requirements

  • If a crewmember on a vessel changes positions during the vessel's voyage, is an update to the Notice of Arrival (NOA) report required?
  • No, there is no requirement to provide an update to an NOA for changes to crewmembers' position or duties on the vessel (§160.208(b)(3).

  • What if the crew or passenger list changes after I have submitted my NOAD?
  • Vessels with crew and or passenger changes that occur after the vessel has submitted its NOAD information should then submit an updated NOAD for that same arrival or departure with the new updated crew and passenger list.

  • Where do I enter a person that is in addition to the crew (e.g. a processor on a F/V or crew family members) and is not paying passenger?
  • Individuals such as processors on fishing vessels, ship riders, and crew family members are not crewmembers because they are not essential for propulsion and safe navigation or to provide services for others onboard.  Therefore, they do not meet the definition for crewmember and may be referred to as a "supernumerary".  These individuals should be entered in the non-crew/passenger section and all the required information should be provided for each person.

  • Can I use a birth certificate for passenger identification?
  • Birth certificates may be used as a form of identification along with a government issued photo ID for U.S. citizens on closed-loop cruises (cruises that begin and end at the same U.S. port).

  • Are vessels in hire by the U.S. government or with crew rosters comprised of a mix of U.S. naval or other federal personnel and civilian crew members required to be reported?
  •  Vessels that are owned or demise-(Bareboat) chartered by the United States government, crewed by government contracted personnel, and not engaged in commercial service would be considered public vessels and are not required to report.

  • What if I cannot match a crew member's position to one listed in the provided drop down menu?
  • Keep in mind that all the fields within the crew list must match the choices available in the drop down menus provided in the website.  If an exact match cannot be found, then locate the closest match or utilize "other" as the choice.

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